Investigate the ArriveScam boondoggle

Whereas the ArriveCan app was originally estimated to cost $80,000 and saw its costs inflated to nearly $60 million, according to the Auditor General of Canada.

Whereas this is an app that Canadians didn’t want, didn’t need, and that didn’t work, and caused thousands of travellers to be quarantined, falsely detained, and harassed without reason.

Whereas the Liberals voted against investigating this mess (and the NDP tried to help the cover-up) that left questions unanswered of corruption, mismanagement, and waste in the federal government bureaucracy, and that made contractors rich.

And whereas after years of obfuscation and delays, the Canadian public still has no results, no accountability, and no complete story of how this project was so badly mismanaged, while costing taxpayers millions of dollars.

Therefore be it resolved that common sense Conservatives call for a complete and thorough investigation to understand how millions were wasted, hold the guilty parties responsible, and scrap this disastrous app once and for all.


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