The Annual General Meeting of the Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke Conservative EDA will take place on Saturday January 21st at the Royal Colwood Golf Club.
All current and interested members are eligible to attend.
There will be an election for board positions. If you would like to attend and participate in this election, you must hold a valid Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) membership twenty-one (21) days prior to the AGM. If your membership has lapsed within the previous ninety (90) days, you may renew it at the door and participate in the AGM. **Payment for membership renewals at the door will only be accepted in the form of credit card or personal cheque. Cash will not be accepted.**
Registration starts at 9:30am, and the AGM commences at 10:00am.
Agenda for the ESS EDA Annual General Meeting:
10:00am Report from the President, including Election Readiness
10:15am Financial Report
10:25am Report from the Nomination Committee
10:30am Election of the ESS EDA Board of Directors
- Voting
- Counting of votes. During the counting of votes, we have a special guest speaker, Don Nightingale - BC (Victoria) National CPC Council Member
- Announcement of results
12:00pm AGM Adjourns
ESS EDA Board convenes if needed (members are welcome to stay and attend)
We are always seeking persons interested in actively participating on the ESS EDA Board of Directors, Working Groups and Committees. If you are interested in further information on these, or reference materials (e.g. our constitution), please contact me at [email protected] and I will be happy to provide.
I look forward to seeing you at our Annual General Meeting.
Douglas W. Bancroft, OMM CD MSc
Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke Conservative Electoral District Association
Conservative Party of Canada